The Twin Cities PDC Local 7019 is a chapter of the National APWU. We average roughly 400 members at any given time. Our members work at the United States Postal Service Information Technology/Accounting Service Center in Eagan, Minnesota.
General Membership Meetings
General Membership Meetings (GMM) are held onsite at the IT/ASC and on Zoom and are held on the following dates in 2024:
- January 17
- February 21
- March 20
- April 17
- May 15
- June 12 (date changed due to Federal Holiday)
- July 24 (orig date July 17)
- August 21
- September 18
- October 16
- November 20
- December 18
The Data Feedback is the Local’s newsletter. It is published once every two months. Newsletters are currently mailed to member’s homes.
Submission Policy: All members are encouraged to submit items and articles for publication. Deadline for all submissions is by the 1st of the month. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor, the Twin Cities Postal Data Center Local, or the APWU. Articles should be submitted by e-mail (sent to: No hard copy requiring retyping will be accepted. Please contact the editor if you have another format.
Sunshine Committee
Have you or a fellow member had surgery, lost an immediate family member, or recently had a baby? Please contact the committee members on the Sunshine Committee. You can find their names on page two of the latest Data Feedback newsletter.